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A selection of small-format paintings

A selection of small-format paintings

Narrative paintings, portraits

Narrative paintings, portraits


Watercolour is my favourite technique for capturing magic colours of a moment when strolling near a lake or hiking to an extraordinary vantage point atop the mountains. I am attracted by the light that is the whiteness of a paper sheet that shines through the colours, as well as the definiteness and indelibility of the strokes.

Narrative paintings, portraits

Sometimes I long for something completely realistic and when I go to the mountains, every now and then I take my canvas and oil paints with me and start working on a scene that catches my attention. I enjoy “en plein air” painting. Air, light and the natural environment each have their own effect. Portraits, however, are mostly made on request, and here I give priority to a faithful imitation of the character and traits of a particular person.

A selection of small-format paintings

Small-format paintings are created as sketches for large paintings or studies of paintings’ details. Nevertheless, they are painted carefully, with sensibility and a cogent sense of wholeness and details. I use the oil on canvas technique in almost all small paintings – I only rarely used pigments with acrylic emulsion in earlier paintings.